Sunday, March 29, 2020

What is fiber optics?

Fiber optics is a transmission medium commonly used in data networks; a very fine thread of transparent material, glass or plastic materials, through which pulses of light are sent that represent the data to be transmitted. The light source can be laser or LED.  
Fibers are widely used in telecommunications, since they allow large amounts of data to be sent over a long distance, with speeds similar to those of radio and higher than those of conventional cable. They are the transmission medium par excellence as they are immune to electromagnetic interference, they are also used for local networks, where it is necessary to take advantage of the optical fiber over other transmission media (source and more information: wikipedia ).
From 1985 to date, we have installed fiber optic cables throughout the national territory. The facilities began with the aim of linking the telephone exchanges as a result of the digitization of the metropolitan network; Today, all the cities of the Interior are united by a national fiber optic network, which constitutes the nucleus (or “backbone”) of the national transmission system.    
Starting in 2010, we began working on the most important and ambitious project in the history of the company: installing fiber optic cables in the customers' access to the network, gradually replacing copper cables, and allowing a width of Virtually unlimited band top fiber optic companies.

What type of fiber optic cable should you choose?

Fiber optic patch cord, often called fiber optic cable or bridge, is a fiber cable with various types of connector ends (LC, SC, MTRJ, ST). These allow the fiber optic cable to quickly connect to an optical switch or other telecommunication / computer device. Fiber cable is a key element for indoor use, such as in server rooms or data centers. It has excellent reliability, superior adaptability and enhanced security and has been the best choice for use where conventional copper cables do not go.

What are the types of fiber patch cord?

The fiber connection cable can be classified into different typologies and standards. For example, fiber mode, transmission mode, jacket type, connector type, and polishing type.
Fiber Optic Mode: Singlemode fiber (OS1, OS2) is yellow, while multimode fiber is orange (OM1, OM2) and sky blue (OM3, OM4). Singlemode (SMF) cable is 8–10 µm in diameter allowing only one mode of transmission, so it can carry signals at much higher speeds with less attenuation. In addition, it is ideal for high data transmission speeds or long distance. fiber optic technician jobs cable (MMF) is made of a larger diameter (50 µm and 62.5 µm) that can carry more than one mode of transmission. It is commonly used for short distances, from connecting the fiber cable or patch panel to the equipment.

fiber optics and how does it work?


Fiber optics is a method of data transmission that consists of sending encoded information through a beam of light projected through a glass tube or pipe. It has its origins in the work of 19th-century scientists Jean-Daniel Colladon (a Swiss physicist who discovered that a continuous ray of light could shine through a water pipe through internal reflection) and John Tyndall (a physicist Irishman who formally demonstrated internal reflection to the Royal Society in London by illuminating the stream from a jug of water.)


Fiber optic cables are made of very thin strands of glass or plastic, each of which is less than a tenth the thickness of a human hair. These threads are known as optical fibers, and each of them is capable of transmitting around 25,000 phone calls. Fiber optic cables typically range from a minimum of two to several hundred strands.
To ensure uninterrupted light transmission, the glass used in the manufacture of optical fibers must be very pure, so the core of a cable is usually made of silicon dioxide. Surrounding this core is a somewhat different layer or coating of glass, which is usually infused or "doped" with remnants of elements such as boron or germanium.
The core and cladding are covered with a plastic cladding and a Kevlar or metal fiber cladding, and the entire assembly is sealed against water and dirt by a protective outer layer.
A complete cable can only be a few centimeters in diameter, with a core of only five to ten millionths of a meter fiber optic installer salary


Transmission through fiber optics is achieved when the photons or light particles that form a beam hit the glass walls of a fiber optic at a very shallow angle (forty degrees or less), and are reflected back as if hitting a mirror. This is known as total internal reflection, and ensures that all transmitted light remains within the tube.
The physical structure of the cable contributes to this, since the doping applied to the coating reduces its refractive index with respect to that of the core (different reflection characteristics) and effectively limits the light beam to the core of the fiber.
Continuous lengths of cable up to 100 km (60 miles) are possible, with light bouncing off the walls and reflected in the mainstream at speeds of about two-thirds of the natural speed of light when empty (which is about 300,000 km or 186,000 miles per second).
That is why there is normally an equipment booth located 80 to 100 km (40 to 60 miles) away on long distance transmission lines, to augment or retransmit signals along the next section of cable.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

What is fiber optics?

Fiber optics is a transmission medium commonly used in data networks; a very fine thread of transparent material, glass or plastic materials, through which pulses of light are sent that represent the data to be transmitted. The light source can be laser or LED.  
Fibers are widely used in telecommunications, since they allow large amounts of data to be sent over a long distance, with speeds similar to those of radio and higher than those of conventional cable. They are the transmission medium par excellence as they are immune to electromagnetic interference, they are also used for local networks, where it is necessary to take advantage of the optical fiber over other transmission media (source and more information: wikipedia ).
From 1985 to date, we have installed fiber optic cables throughout the national territory. The facilities began with the aim of linking the telephone exchanges as a result of the digitization of the metropolitan network; Today, all the cities of the Interior are united by a national fiber optic network, which constitutes the nucleus (or “backbone”) of the national transmission system.    
Starting in 2010, we began working on the most important and ambitious project in the history of the company: installing fiber optic cables in the customers' access to the network, gradually replacing copper cables, and allowing a width of Virtually unlimited band fiber optic technician salaries

How fiber optics works: advantages and disadvantages

Although it has been a reality for a long time and there are many people who use fiber optics on a daily basis, there is still a great lack of knowledge about how fiber optic works , its advantages or differences with ADSL . However, it is interesting to get to know it to be clear about what it offers and what can be required of it.

How counted fiber optics works easily

Sometimes technicalities confuse us when we try to understand concepts in a simplified way. We are not going to enter into terms only within the reach of those who are already experts to answer what is fiber optics. Fiber optics is a technology based on the controlled manipulation of light inside a cable. This has special terminations and is given on special plates that make the transmission of this possible fiber optics jobs.
Currently there are two types of fiber optics that we can use in our homes or businesses. These are  HFC or Hibrid Fiber Coaxial   and FTTH or hybrid coaxial fiber . What the operators market so that users have a fiber optic connection is a hybrid system between fiber optics and coaxial cable.
Currently, not all operators in the Spanish market offer the same type of fiber. Some offer one or the other type depending on which area . For this reason, it is important that if you plan to contract this service, you know its differences and be able to find out what type of optical fiber each marketer offers you. So you can make a better informed decision about who and what exactly to hire.

Main differences between HFC and FTTH fiber optics

FTTH fiber optic offers faster internet connection speed

However, it is not yet a mature technology or, at least, some experts point out. It is not necessary to know in detail how fiber optics works to understand that FTTH is faster but that it is not yet fully developed, although it can be used without problems and by the user with all the guarantees.

HFC networks do not stand the test of time well

HFC has more FTTH losses

Another issue that is important to consider and value is that HFC technology has more losses than FTTH . Generally this is due to the fact that the HFC does not go directly to the connection point of the home or company , and the copper cable that is between the connection and to the home or space in which it is going to be used, loses speed. In contrast, FTTH technology reaches the point of connection without any loss.

HFC's ease of installation, one of its biggest advantages

HFC is much easier to install than FTTH. This usually means lower cost and faster installation .

Fiber optic test or how to know if you get what you pay for

One of the doubts of many fiber optic users is if they are really receiving the speed they are paying for . The easiest way is through a fiber optic test, which is nothing more than an internet connection speed test .
You don't need to know how fiber optics works or have advanced technical knowledge about it to find out. There are many web portals that offer this type of test for free to users. These reliably measure the actual connection speed you are getting. The same happens if we speak from the field of wireless connections .
Although the ideal is to test it on more than one website and at different times, as not all detect the bottlenecks of the connection and could sometimes provide not totally reliable data. multi - sampling will allow collating data and get a true picture of your connection speed fiber optic.

The HFC networks combine the fiber optic cable . The latter does not age well, suffers over time, needs revision , often patches or replacements, and may suffer falls. This with fiber does not occur, and it is important to know and take it into account.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Help Desk

The concept of help desk was born as a resource of assistance and information from the IT area to the users of an organization. It works as a single point of contact, centralizing requests, incidents and requirements to manage them effectively and provide a satisfactory solution in a set time remote helpdesk jobs.
 A help desk is, then, the combination of a specialized team, aligned with the company's service policies plus the implementation of technological aids (software, hardware).

Functions of an IT Help Desk

  • Receipt of incidents and requirements
  • Recording, classification and categorization of incidents and requirements
  • Escalation of service to specialized groups
  • Remote or face-to-face solution of the tickets received
  • Ticket life cycle monitoring
  • Constant availability for support
  • ANS / SLA Compliance
  • Collection of information regarding the operation and performance of the help desk
  •  operation.
  • Benefits

    • Increase user productivity
    • Document and facilitate knowledge
    • Constant availability of support
    • Provides analytics to make improvement decisions Obtain quality certifications for the 
    • use of certified processes.
    • Help desk structure

      Help desks have a hierarchical structure where various roles come into play: Agent, Technician or Coordinator, which are divided by levels of care, which are generally three

      first level

      This represents the first contact between the end user and the help desk. In this first meeting, the requirement is registered and categorized, depending on the classification, the first-level personnel solve or scale the ticket to a more specialized level. The knowledge base comes into play here , allowing the user to find an already documented solution without the need for a person at the table.

      Second level

      This level represents a higher level of specialization. In general, the person at the table at this level has high technical knowledge on a specific topic and acts on established procedures according to their specialty. At this level, the incident is expected to be satisfactorily resolved. Depending on the operation of the table, there may be a third level to solve specific and specialized issues.

      Supervision level

      This is a level of control and monitoring and there is no direct contact with the end user. The supervisor's role will be to ensure compliance with service level agreements, follow up on all “problem” incidents and enforce the quality and service standards set by the company for the service provided. Likewise, it will be the first escalation point for tickets not resolved in the established time. Finally, he will be in charge of giving a management report to all the areas involved.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

good NOC service and Service Desk

An IT management service without the optimal level of quality and the right objectives can harm your operation even more than not having any service. This can have serious consequences such as unattended tickets, poor customer service, network failures, etc.
It is important that the quality standards and requirements for a service are made known to the customer before starting the service. This will help reduce misunderstandings and improve the performance of IT solutions ca helpdesk.

The outsourced service provider, having greater authority and knowledge to make suggestions, can help you establish the most appropriate requirements for your operation. In this article we will talk about the most important standards to provide an excellent service to your end users.

Benefits of having quality standards in your NOC and Service Desk

Whenever possible, the manager should establish and maintain quality standards for the service, since this allows setting requirements for hardware, operating systems, software applications and customer service.

This will allow our consultants to help you establish certain competencies, skill sets, and mandatory certifications for NOC / Service Desk personnel .

Some of the benefits of this methodology are:

  • More efficient maintenance / incident resolution.
  • Faster Internet for the end user.
  • Faster training and knowledge transfer between NOC and Service Desk.
  • Facilitates infrastructure configuration of remote monitoring and administration tools and professional service automation solutions.
  • Provides metrics and standardized performance reports.

Standards for a good service of your NOC and Service Desk

Some standards required to provide hardware services, operating systems, software applications, and services at end-user locations are typically:

  • Specific servers supported by the provider, with their hardware and BIOS versions for desktops and laptops.
  • Routers, access points, switches, and firewalls supported by specific providers.
  • Voice hardware with its compatible BIOS versions.
  • Specific hardware, smartphones and PDAs with a compatible operating system.
  • Guarantees for specific hardware.
  • Supported operating systems and patch levels.
  • Business software application lines, versions and patch levels supported.
  • Antivirus, antispam, antispyware solutions compatible in their versions and patch levels.
  • Vendor-specific backup solutions, versions and patch levels.
  • Remote data storage.
  • Specific network security protocols and access controls.
  • Specific broadband requirements.
  • Other specific relationships with external providers.

Services excluded from the SLA and deliverables

At Zentius, in addition to qualifying the terms under which end user support will be provided, we establish the services that will be considered out of scope and specifically excluded from the deliverables and SLAs of the NOC and Service Desk, this with the aim of providing quality service to all our clients

Some examples of services out of scope may be the following:

  • Service to parts, equipment or software not covered by the supplier / manufacturer's warranty / support.
  • The cost of any part, equipment or shipping costs.
  • The cost of any software, software license or renewal and its upgrade fees.
  • The cost of any additional providers, manufacturer support, or incident fees required to deliver the service.
  • The cost of bringing the end user or customer's facilities up to the minimum standards required for the service.

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