Monday, December 7, 2020

field service supervisor

 TheThe term itself gives us a fairly precise notion of its scope: superior vision . The supervised person expects from the person supervising him a vision superior to his own (and an action consistent with it) about the functions and activities he performs. The organization expects from the supervisor a vision superior to that of those supervised by him (and an action consistent with it), which ensures the improvement of their performance and the obtaining of results consistent with the goals set.

Now, the superiority of the vision expected of the Supervisor is not only of a hierarchical nature , that is, it is not only linked to the power granted by a higher-ranking position.

TheSupervisor must offer that superior vision (and action consistent with it), because:

You must know in depth and be more and better technically prepared for the performance of the functions of your supervised, than the best of these field service supervisor.

He must be as motivated or more for successful and effective performance than the most motivated of his supervisees.

It must be able to create and offer a motivating work space and enriching human interaction, which encourages the productive integration of supervisees to the team and the organization in which they work.

He must be able to detect, always and by various means, deficiencies and difficulties in the performance of his supervisees.

He must be able to offer solutions to the performance problems of his supervisees (or even better, to stimulate the creation, adoption and implementation of their own solutions by them) and constructively accompany them in their implementation.

They must be able to train their supervised in the different tasks that they develop, to achieve superior performance.

You must be able to identify the potential for development and superior performance in each of your supervisees, stimulate them and prepare them for the practical expression of that potential.

He must be able to evaluate in a diagnostic, evaluative and developmental way the performance of each and every one of his supervisees, continuously and systematically.

You must be able to communicate clearly, accurately and constructively, everything that is important to provide your supervisees with timely and complete information and the best possible job education.

They must be able to promote and ensure in their supervised work motivation, the assumption of responsibilities, the need for continuous improvement, proactivity, adaptability to changes and the ability to react and respond positively and innovatively to them.

He must be able to reward / punish, stimulate and promote based on the results achieved by his supervisees.

From all this there are some essential elements to highlight and expand

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